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Tech News: 2024-22
modificareLatest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- Several bugs related to the latest updates to the UploadWizard on Wikimedia Commons have been fixed. For more information, see T365107 and T365119.
- In March 2024 a new addPortlet API was added to allow gadgets to create new portlets (menus) in the skin. In certain skins this can be used to create dropdowns. Gadget developers are invited to try it and give feedback.
- Some CSS in the Minerva skin has been removed to enable easier community configuration. Interface editors should check the rendering on mobile devices for aspects related to the classes:
. Further details are available on replacement CSS if it is needed.
Changes later this week
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 28 May. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 29 May. It will be on all wikis from 30 May (calendar). [1][2]
- When you visit a wiki where you don't yet have a local account, local rules such as edit filters can sometimes prevent your account from being created. Starting this week, MediaWiki takes your global rights into account when evaluating whether you can override such local rules. [3]
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Eroare in PatrocleBot
modificare502 Server Error: Server Hangup--PatrocleBot (discuție) 28 mai 2024 23:16 (EEST)
Eroare in PatrocleBot
modificare503 Server Error: Service Unavailable--PatrocleBot (discuție) 29 mai 2024 13:53 (EEST)
Eroare in PatrocleBot
modificareHTTPSConnectionPool(host='ro.wiki.x.io', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=45)--PatrocleBot (discuție) 29 mai 2024 14:00 (EEST)
Eroare in PatrocleBot
modificare503 Server Error: Service Unavailable--PatrocleBot (discuție) 29 mai 2024 14:13 (EEST)
Eroare in PatrocleBot
modificare503 Server Error: Service Unavailable--PatrocleBot (discuție) 30 mai 2024 11:33 (EEST)
Privitor la articolul despre Iudith Szabó
modificareBună ziua, m-am străduit să țin cont de observațiile și sugestiile Dvs. și am făcut mai multe modificări la articolul despre Iudith Szabó, prima femeie medic generalist din Transilvania, care în 5 iunie împlinește 96 de ani. Am completat linkuri privind viația și activitatea ei științifică. Poate că nu am înțeles cum e cu standardele din iunie 2024, dar m-am străduit să mă conformez. Fotografia am primit-o de la dânsa cu prilejul unui reportaj, atunci mi-a permis s-o folosesc, dar nu am cum dovedi copyrightul. Cred că notablitatae d-nei dr. Iudith Szabó este susținută de activitatea ei practică, didactică universitară (mentor a multor generații de studenți) și științifică (coautoare a trei tratate de referință în medicina românească) și a multor articole științifice (către care nu am linkuri pentru că sunt vechi de minimum 30 de ani). A fost distinsă cu o înaltă decorație de către președintele Ungariei, a primit diploma de excelență a orașului ei natal, Sântana (am pus referințele respective). Aș dori ca acest articol Wikipedia (binemeritat, spun eu, în condițiile în care multe persoane mult mai puțin notabile au articole Wikipedia) să fie darul pentru ziua ei, 5 iunie 2024, când va împlini 96 de ani. Dar nu i-l pot arăta cu etichetarea în care se amintește că NU ARE SUFICIENTĂ NOTABILITATE și că acest articol urmează să fie șters. Vă rog să îndepărtați etichetele. Vă mulțumesc mult. Andrea Ghiță. Ghitaandrea (discuție) 3 iunie 2024 09:50 (EEST)
- Am scris greșit. Este prima femeie chirurg generalist din Transilvania. Toate cele bune. Ghitaandrea (discuție) 3 iunie 2024 09:51 (EEST)
- @Ghitaandrea am trecut prin toate sursele din articol și am făcut un pic de curățenie, pentru a îl putea considera măcar în formatul standard. Subiectul pare promițător, însă în acest moment nu pot scoate acea etichetă. Versiunea curentă a articolului are 9 note, din care:
- notele 1 și 2 sunt interviuri, deci nu îndeplinesc condiția de independență
- notele 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 nu prezintă decât câte un detaliu din activitatea dnei. Szabo (nu îndeplinesc criteriul de prezentare în detaliu)
- nota 5 nu confirmă afirmația la care e pusă, dar chiar dacă ar fi corectată, ar fi tot un detaliu probabil
- nota 3 ar fi OK (nu sunt sigur pentru că traducerea automată în Română este slabă)
- Din Bibliografie ar mai fi promițător filmul TVR Cluj, dar trebuie clarificat cât e interviu și cât documentare. Văd că și Erdélyi Magyar Ki Kicsoda mai e folosit ca sursă în alte articole, dar e foarte la limită, din moment ce pare tipărit de UDMR, iar criteriul principal de includere e etnia.
- Aș spune că mai e nevoie de 1-2 surse independente care să fi prezentat în detaliu activitatea dnei. doctor pentru a putea retrage eticheta.
- La imagine situația e clară - drepturile de autor nu vă aparțin nici dvs. nici doamnei, ci fotografului. Dacă e o imagine care a fost publicată înainte de 1981, puteți folosi {{PD-RO-photo}} la commons. Dacă e din albumul de familie situația e tulbure, dar de obicei se poate folosi același format. Strainu (دسستي) 3 iunie 2024 11:38 (EEST)
- Am găsit un interviu pe site-ul Muzeului Holocaustului din Washington, am menționat sursa, precum și volumul File din istoria evreimii clujene V, unde apar și eu ca redactor, dar și istoricul, prof. univ. Ladislau Gyémánt care e o sursă credibilă. O să încerc să modific la copyright-ul fotografiei. Din câte-și amintește doamna, poza e făcută de tatăl dânsei. Să văd dacă mă descurc cu modificarea. Mulțumesc. Andrea Ghitaandrea (discuție) 3 iunie 2024 20:40 (EEST)
- Am făcut maximum posibil pentru acest articol despre un om extraordinar, de 96 de ani, integru, care - din cauza vârstei - nu se regăsește în bazele de date accesibile pe Net. Nu înțeleg care e problema Dvs. cu Romániai Magyar Ki Kicsoda. Credeți că ei trec acolo de-a valma toți incompetenții numai pentru că sunt maghiar?! Dacă credeți că doamna doctor a mințit sau a exagerat în interviuri eu nu am cum să vă conving de contrariul. Nu vă pot teleporta cele peste 300 de articole scrise de ea. Dacă nu puteți șterge eticheta de neîncredere, atunci ștergeți, vă rog, tot articolul. Nu doresc ca probitatea d-nei doctor Iudith Szabó să fie pusă la îndoială prin etichetare. Probitatea mea nu contează pentru că în Wikipedia sunt anonimă. Atunci când am scris despre ea mi-am asumat ceea ce am scris sub semnătură proprie. De ce aș minți sau exagera acum?! Referințele pentru anii 1954-1991 sunt extrem de puține. Am fost la dânsa, am citit titlurile articolelor pe care le-a scris (s-a ocupat inclusiv de imunologie și de transplant, pe astea nici nu le-am mai menționat) am menționat revistele de științe medicale pe care le-am găsit pe internet (ca să dau linkuri). Am făcut tot posibilul, evident spunându-i că fac o cercetare despre dânsa și nu că scriu un articole Wikipedia. Poate că sunt patetică, dar asta e realitatea. Am tradus la viața mea cărți de istorie și chiar o Enciclopedie în care am găsit erori (pe care le-am probat) și erau gata tipărite. Nu știu ce vă deranjează la acest articol și nu doresc să fac supoziții. În 5 iunie e ziua ei. Toate cele bune, cu un gust amar și sentimentul eșecului, pe care nu l-am încercat niciodată până în prezent. Ghitaandrea (discuție) 4 iunie 2024 00:23 (EEST)
- Am găsit un interviu pe site-ul Muzeului Holocaustului din Washington, am menționat sursa, precum și volumul File din istoria evreimii clujene V, unde apar și eu ca redactor, dar și istoricul, prof. univ. Ladislau Gyémánt care e o sursă credibilă. O să încerc să modific la copyright-ul fotografiei. Din câte-și amintește doamna, poza e făcută de tatăl dânsei. Să văd dacă mă descurc cu modificarea. Mulțumesc. Andrea Ghitaandrea (discuție) 3 iunie 2024 20:40 (EEST)
- @Ghitaandrea am trecut prin toate sursele din articol și am făcut un pic de curățenie, pentru a îl putea considera măcar în formatul standard. Subiectul pare promițător, însă în acest moment nu pot scoate acea etichetă. Versiunea curentă a articolului are 9 note, din care:
- @Ghitaandrea: Erdélyi Magyar Ki Kicsoda este un fel de Who's Who cu referire la maghiarii ardeleni, ori sursele de tipul Who's Who nu sunt acceptate pe Wikipedia.
- Dacă referințele despre o persoană sunt extrem de puține se cheamă că nu e notabilă (în sens wikipedic). Fără îndoială că Iudith Szabó a fost/este o persoană notorie și un bun profesionist, dar asta nu este suficient pentru a fi inclusă în Wikipedia.
- Dacă nu v-ați fixa atâta pe ideea de pagină cadou pentru ziua ei de naștere a doamnei (apropo, Wikipedia numai site de scris pagini dedicate zilelor de naștere nu e...), ați remarca faptul că există și alte soluții, care, se pot plia pe politicile și îndrumările Enciclopediei.--Accipiter Gentilis Q.(D) 4 iunie 2024 01:02 (EEST)
- Mulţumesc pentru îndrumări. Am completat bibliografia. Ştiu exact ce este Wikipedia, dar în cazul de faţă consider că Dr. Iudith Szabó merită să aibă o pagină Wikipedia şi există suficiente referinţe care să susţină acest fapt. Ghitaandrea (discuție) 4 iunie 2024 16:59 (EEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #630
This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-06-03. Please help Translate.</translate>
- Open request for adminship: The Squirrel Conspiracy - RfP scheduled to end after 9 June 2024 06:47 (UTC).
- New requests for permissions/Bot: TongcyBot - Task: Linking the Chinese and English Wiktionary, specifically in categories using Template:auto cat, and pages in the Template, Module, Appendix, Reconstruction, and Rhymes namespaces.
- Open request for permissions/Bot: IliasChoumaniBot - Task: Automatic updating of data from JSON files on German scientists.
- Closed request for comments: IP Masking Engagement - The RfC was closed due to inactivity. Discussions are still welcomed on Meta.
<translate> Events
- Wikidata workshop at the university of Catania, Sicily, Italy, on June 14th.
- Lexicodays 2024, June 28-30, online event dedicated to Lexicographical Data on Wikidata with a focus on languages of Indonesia. Proposals for the program open until June 20th.
<translate> Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Deploying Wikidatalite into Toolforge - This article explains the deployment process of Wikidatalite into the Toolforge platform. This tool is now available at wdlite.toolforge.org.
- (fr) Wikidata and the missing data : discussion in French about missing data in Wikidata
- (fr) Sous-classe ou instance de ? Comprenons nous l'ontologie de Wikidata ?, discussion in French about "Evidence of large-scale conceptual disarray in multi-level taxonomies in Wikidata"
- Papers
- Taxonomies and Ontologies in Wikipedia and Wikidata: In-Depth Examination of Knowledge Organization Systems. This paper explores the Knowledge Organisation System (KOS) of Wikipedia, Wikidata and gender-related biases contained within. By M. Centelles & N.Ferran-Ferrer.
- Videos
- BHL Day 2024 | Year of the Cicada: Buzzing with 17 Years of Biodiversity Achievements - talk by Siobhan about her biodiversity work.
- Contributing to Wikidata - African Library Activism Month - Jesse Asiedu-Akrofi provides a tutorial on the characreristics of Wikidata and how Librarians can contribute.
- Learning Clinic: Wiktionary & Lexemes on Wikidata - this clinic co-hosted by Taufik Rosman and Sadik Shahadu of Wikimedia User Groups Malaysia and Dagbani respectively.
- ¿Cómo convertir la edición de Wikidata en un juego? (Spanish) - User:Piracalamina and User:Jmmuguerza show in this Wikitools how to create a API to add your own themed game to The Distributed Game.
- Miscellaneous
- Wiquizz a quiz generator based on Wikidata and Query.wikidata.org
<translate> Tool of the week
- WikiTwister - RoloWiki: Replace the interwiki links of a Wikipedia article with a pop-up card full of useful Wikidata, & Wikidata Quick Dip: Browse the Wikidata properties used by the pages in a category.
</translate> <translate> Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata Infobox is now used by over 5 million Commons categories.
- Wikidata:Tools/Potential gadgets is a new page where you can propose to turn CSS and JS scripts into gadgets, so that the can be activated from Preferences instead of through user common.css and common.js pages.
- Wikimedia Deutschland is looking for a Head of Product Strategy and a Senior Software Engineer.
</translate> <translate> Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- LombardiaBeniCulturali collection ID (ID of a collection on lombardiabeniculturali.it)
- population by native language (native language population of a place)
- tartan (item's tartan; Tartan is a Scottish cloth pattern symbolizing a clan, region, or group.)
- taxon synonym of (''(without English description)'')
- replaced synonym of (taxon item which replaced this taxon name (now only a synonym) - inverse property of replaced synonym (for nom. nov.) (P694))
- protonym of (taxon item of which this taxon name is a protonym (original name, for zoological taxa) - inverse property of original combination)
- basionym of (taxon item of which this taxon name is a basionym (original name, for botanical and similar items) - inverse property of basionym (P566))
- External identifiers: Dhliz ID, RAG ID, The Sounds Resource game ID, The Lost Media Wiki page ID, Cbonds company profile, Iconoteca dell'Accademia di architettura ID, Kōmako author ID, urban area census code, The Law Dictionary entry, CDC Stacks ID, Authority file of the Iraqi Authors, Gentoo GURU package ID, TheLegacy game ID, Explanatory Ukrainian Dictionary ID, Grand Theft Wiki ID, Folkets lexikon ID, Pushkin Museum artist ID, Virtual Russian Museum artist ID, LGD Block Code, Australian Oxford Dictionary ID, ICPE establishment ID, WIPO Lex ID, Lille norske leksikon ID, WiiG.de developer ID, WiiG.de publisher ID, The New Zealand Oxford Dictionary ID, Azerbaijani National Assembly ID, Canadian Oxford Dictionary ID, GOG product ID, Archnet authority ID, Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase & Fable ID, Comprehensive Dictionary of the Contemporary Ukrainian Language ID, Archaeological investigations in Hungary ID, Global Egyptian Museum ID, Historic Synagogues of Europe ID, TheLegacy company ID, Nintendo Life game ID, Push Square game ID, Pure Xbox game ID, Palula dictionary ID, Oxford Dictionary of English entry ID, Slovenian Etymological Dictionary ID, Jedipedia.net ID, Bundes-Klinik-Atlas hospital ID, Atarimuseum ID, Dictionary of Taiwan Hakka ID, LGD Village Code, LGD District Code, LGD State or UT Code, LGD Subdistrict Code, SNARC ID, Dermaptera Species File taxon ID, Embioptera Species File taxon ID, Isoptera Species File taxon ID, Zoraptera Species File taxon ID, Bildindex der Kunst und Architektur PID, Garner's Modern American Usage ID, Artcena ID, Islamic Art and Architecture ID, Transfermarkt competition ID, Sinhala Cinema artist ID, Sinhala Cinema film ID, Meurgorf identifier, milog.co.il entry ID, Aphid Species File taxon ID, Grylloblattodea Species File taxon ID, Mantophasmatodea Species File taxon ID, Plecoptera Species File taxon ID, Coleorrhyncha Species File taxon ID, Milldatabase ID, New Oxford Rhyming Dictionary ID, A Dictionary of Biology ID, Dictionary of the Middle Ages ID, IAFD actor UUID, F.C. Copenhagen player id, Norwegian prisoner of war camp ID, Arkitekturguide for Nord-Norge og Svalbard ID, Korrespondenzen der Frühromantik person ID, Korrespondenzen der Frühromantik work ID, Filozofia jezuitów w Polsce w XX wieku ID, PLC (primary location code)
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- last appearance (last work featuring a fictional character or item)
- is ontological root of (forms the root element of the ontology)
- located in the Islamic territorial entity (the item is located on the territory of the following Islamic entity.)
- address of addressee (address of the address e.g. on a postcard)
- TheaterEncyclopedie ID (An item of the TheaterEncyclopedie)
- relates to sustainable development goal, target or indicator (indicates a relation between the subject and the SDGs or one of the components)
- student count by gender (I think there should be a way to document the number of students at a university by their gender, as data for student counts (at least if they come from GENESIS Online - german universities) contain that data divided in male and female students. I think it would make more sense to implement that as a qualifier for {{P|2196}} than implementing it as a new property as that wouldn't make old data obsolete, but also it could interfere with tools that retrieve that data automated and are then confused by having multiple counts at the same time.)
- has semantic role (item that describes a role in an event class)
- model for (2) (what the subject is a conceptual or scientific model/theory for)
- Dynasty (A dynasty is a sequence of rulers from the same family, usually in the context of a monarchy or imperial system but sometimes also appearing in republics. A dynasty can be used to describe the time period in which a person lived, an event happened, a work was created, or a place existed.)
- showrunner (person who is responsible for the day-to-day operation of a television show)
- antonomasia (epithet or phrase that takes the place of a proper name)
- screen size (Size of a display screen as measured along the diagonal)
- External identifiers: NLR editions, glubinka.by, Cerist journal ID, Soldatregisteret ID, Quranic Arabic Corpus topic ID, Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World: Digital Collection ID, The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature ID, The Oxford Companion to World Mythology ID, promodj album ID, The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World ID, The Oxford Companion to the Mind ID, person ID in MNAHA, vehicle keeper marking / VKM, JJM Habitation id, Justapedia, PNG School Code, Green's Dictionary of Slang (Oxford Reference) ID, Locomotive Yaroslavl HC player id, Chinese Basketball Association ID, WHO Country Database ID, Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number (LLPIN) in India, A Dictionary of Zoology ID, SALDO sense ID, Flown From The Nest person id, Online Swahili - English Dictionary ID, Téarma ID, IMAIOS entity ID, Dictionary of Contemporary Icelandic ID, A Dictionary of Plant Sciences ID, Seret film ID, Pocket Oxford American Thesaurus ID, Oxford Paperback Thesaurus ID, Orthoptera Species File taxon ID, CAMRA Experience pub ID, Pocket Oxford Spanish Dictionary: English-Spanish ID, Paleobiology Database ID for this journal article, Naturalis Repository ID, Te Aka Māori Dictionary ID, He Pātaka Kupu ID, Oqaasersiorfik ID, Greenlandic-English Dictionary ID, poblesdecatalunya.cat identifier, 广播电视播出机构许可证编号, Vikidia ID, This Is Basketball player ID
- General datatypes:
- Deleted properties:
You can comment on all open property proposals! </translate> <translate> Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Mountains with a height over 7000m - display on a map. Adjust the P:elevation above sea level to widen or narrow the search.
- Find Items that share an Identifier - this query has identified a possible duplicate by matching P5696 - Indian Railways Station Code.
- Who has worked with this Celebrity? - this query looks for co-stars, colleagues and co-actors of Seth Rogen. Adjust this value for other celebrities or professionals.
- Schema examples: Tamkang University location - building and location entities associated with Tamkang University, Taiwan.
- Newest WikiProjects: Timna Valley - a community project on the Timna Valley archaelogical site.
- Newest database reports: Gadget usage statistics - find out which gadgets are used the most and perhaps find something new.
- Showcase Items: Ferdinand Magellan - 15th Century Portugese explorer who led the first expedition to circumnavigate the Globe (despite his death in the Philippines).
- Showcase Lexemes: Be - The english copular verb that helps express all of existence.
</translate> <translate> Development
- EntitySchemas: The new EntitySchema data type is ready for testing on Test Wikidata
- Wikibase REST API:
- We finished the route for modifying the data of an Item (phab:T342993)
- We finished the route for modifying the data of a Property (phab:T347394)
- We continued working on the route for creating an Item (phab:T342990)
- We fixed an issue where IDs were shown for badges and after editing a statement. The fix will be rolled out this week. (phab:T366236)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer. </translate> <translate> Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Participate in this week's Lexeme challenge: Gambling
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Tech News: 2024-23
modificareLatest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- It is now possible for local administrators to add new links to the bottom of the site Tools menu without JavaScript. Documentation is available. [4]
- The message name for the definition of the tracking category of WikiHiero has changed from "
" to "MediaWiki:Wikihiero-usage-tracking-category
". [5] - One new wiki has been created: a Wikipedia in Kadazandusun (
) [6]
Changes later this week
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 4 June. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 5 June. It will be on all wikis from 6 June (calendar). [7][8]
Future changes
- Next week, on wikis with the Vector 2022 skin as the default, logged-out desktop users will be able to choose between different font sizes. The default font size will also be increased for them. This is to make Wikimedia projects easier to read. Learn more.
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Re: Dramaturgia românească feminină după 1989
modificarePoate îmi spune cineva ce mai trebuie făcut la introducere ca să dispară eticheta? E prea scurtă sau prea lungă?
Mulțumesc pe aceasrtă cale și celor 2 wikipediști care au editat secțiunea alfabetică.
modificareNu mă uitați, vă rog, cu accessdate din discuția din pagina lui Andrei Stroe. Donarius (discuție) 1 iunie 2024 20:04 (EEST)
- @Donarius după cum ziceam acolo, modificarea respectivă mi-a fost anulată. Nu țin neapărat s-o reintroduc fără a întelege de ce a fost scoasă. Strainu (دسستي) 1 iunie 2024 21:18 (EEST)
- A răspuns Andrei că puteți introduce acea modificare. --Donarius (discuție) 5 iunie 2024 12:40 (EEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #630
This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-06-03. Please help Translate.</translate>
- Open request for adminship: The Squirrel Conspiracy - RfP scheduled to end after 9 June 2024 06:47 (UTC).
- New requests for permissions/Bot: TongcyBot - Task: Linking the Chinese and English Wiktionary, specifically in categories using Template:auto cat, and pages in the Template, Module, Appendix, Reconstruction, and Rhymes namespaces.
- Open request for permissions/Bot: IliasChoumaniBot - Task: Automatic updating of data from JSON files on German scientists.
- Closed request for comments: IP Masking Engagement - The RfC was closed due to inactivity. Discussions are still welcomed on Meta.
<translate> Events
- Wikidata workshop at the university of Catania, Sicily, Italy, on June 14th.
- Lexicodays 2024, June 28-30, online event dedicated to Lexicographical Data on Wikidata with a focus on languages of Indonesia. Proposals for the program open until June 20th.
<translate> Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Deploying Wikidatalite into Toolforge - This article explains the deployment process of Wikidatalite into the Toolforge platform. This tool is now available at wdlite.toolforge.org.
- (fr) Wikidata and the missing data : discussion in French about missing data in Wikidata
- (fr) Sous-classe ou instance de ? Comprenons nous l'ontologie de Wikidata ?, discussion in French about "Evidence of large-scale conceptual disarray in multi-level taxonomies in Wikidata"
- Papers
- Taxonomies and Ontologies in Wikipedia and Wikidata: In-Depth Examination of Knowledge Organization Systems. This paper explores the Knowledge Organisation System (KOS) of Wikipedia, Wikidata and gender-related biases contained within. By M. Centelles & N.Ferran-Ferrer.
- Videos
- BHL Day 2024 | Year of the Cicada: Buzzing with 17 Years of Biodiversity Achievements - talk by Siobhan about her biodiversity work.
- Contributing to Wikidata - African Library Activism Month - Jesse Asiedu-Akrofi provides a tutorial on the characreristics of Wikidata and how Librarians can contribute.
- Learning Clinic: Wiktionary & Lexemes on Wikidata - this clinic co-hosted by Taufik Rosman and Sadik Shahadu of Wikimedia User Groups Malaysia and Dagbani respectively.
- ¿Cómo convertir la edición de Wikidata en un juego? (Spanish) - User:Piracalamina and User:Jmmuguerza show in this Wikitools how to create a API to add your own themed game to The Distributed Game.
- Miscellaneous
- Wiquizz a quiz generator based on Wikidata and Query.wikidata.org
<translate> Tool of the week
- WikiTwister - RoloWiki: Replace the interwiki links of a Wikipedia article with a pop-up card full of useful Wikidata, & Wikidata Quick Dip: Browse the Wikidata properties used by the pages in a category.
</translate> <translate> Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata Infobox is now used by over 5 million Commons categories.
- Wikidata:Tools/Potential gadgets is a new page where you can propose to turn CSS and JS scripts into gadgets, so that the can be activated from Preferences instead of through user common.css and common.js pages.
- Wikimedia Deutschland is looking for a Head of Product Strategy and a Senior Software Engineer.
</translate> <translate> Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- LombardiaBeniCulturali collection ID (ID of a collection on lombardiabeniculturali.it)
- population by native language (native language population of a place)
- tartan (item's tartan; Tartan is a Scottish cloth pattern symbolizing a clan, region, or group.)
- taxon synonym of (''(without English description)'')
- replaced synonym of (taxon item which replaced this taxon name (now only a synonym) - inverse property of replaced synonym (for nom. nov.) (P694))
- protonym of (taxon item of which this taxon name is a protonym (original name, for zoological taxa) - inverse property of original combination)
- basionym of (taxon item of which this taxon name is a basionym (original name, for botanical and similar items) - inverse property of basionym (P566))
- External identifiers: Dhliz ID, RAG ID, The Sounds Resource game ID, The Lost Media Wiki page ID, Cbonds company profile, Iconoteca dell'Accademia di architettura ID, Kōmako author ID, urban area census code, The Law Dictionary entry, CDC Stacks ID, Authority file of the Iraqi Authors, Gentoo GURU package ID, TheLegacy game ID, Explanatory Ukrainian Dictionary ID, Grand Theft Wiki ID, Folkets lexikon ID, Pushkin Museum artist ID, Virtual Russian Museum artist ID, LGD Block Code, Australian Oxford Dictionary ID, ICPE establishment ID, WIPO Lex ID, Lille norske leksikon ID, WiiG.de developer ID, WiiG.de publisher ID, The New Zealand Oxford Dictionary ID, Azerbaijani National Assembly ID, Canadian Oxford Dictionary ID, GOG product ID, Archnet authority ID, Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase & Fable ID, Comprehensive Dictionary of the Contemporary Ukrainian Language ID, Archaeological investigations in Hungary ID, Global Egyptian Museum ID, Historic Synagogues of Europe ID, TheLegacy company ID, Nintendo Life game ID, Push Square game ID, Pure Xbox game ID, Palula dictionary ID, Oxford Dictionary of English entry ID, Slovenian Etymological Dictionary ID, Jedipedia.net ID, Bundes-Klinik-Atlas hospital ID, Atarimuseum ID, Dictionary of Taiwan Hakka ID, LGD Village Code, LGD District Code, LGD State or UT Code, LGD Subdistrict Code, SNARC ID, Dermaptera Species File taxon ID, Embioptera Species File taxon ID, Isoptera Species File taxon ID, Zoraptera Species File taxon ID, Bildindex der Kunst und Architektur PID, Garner's Modern American Usage ID, Artcena ID, Islamic Art and Architecture ID, Transfermarkt competition ID, Sinhala Cinema artist ID, Sinhala Cinema film ID, Meurgorf identifier, milog.co.il entry ID, Aphid Species File taxon ID, Grylloblattodea Species File taxon ID, Mantophasmatodea Species File taxon ID, Plecoptera Species File taxon ID, Coleorrhyncha Species File taxon ID, Milldatabase ID, New Oxford Rhyming Dictionary ID, A Dictionary of Biology ID, Dictionary of the Middle Ages ID, IAFD actor UUID, F.C. Copenhagen player id, Norwegian prisoner of war camp ID, Arkitekturguide for Nord-Norge og Svalbard ID, Korrespondenzen der Frühromantik person ID, Korrespondenzen der Frühromantik work ID, Filozofia jezuitów w Polsce w XX wieku ID, PLC (primary location code)
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- last appearance (last work featuring a fictional character or item)
- is ontological root of (forms the root element of the ontology)
- located in the Islamic territorial entity (the item is located on the territory of the following Islamic entity.)
- address of addressee (address of the address e.g. on a postcard)
- TheaterEncyclopedie ID (An item of the TheaterEncyclopedie)
- relates to sustainable development goal, target or indicator (indicates a relation between the subject and the SDGs or one of the components)
- student count by gender (I think there should be a way to document the number of students at a university by their gender, as data for student counts (at least if they come from GENESIS Online - german universities) contain that data divided in male and female students. I think it would make more sense to implement that as a qualifier for {{P|2196}} than implementing it as a new property as that wouldn't make old data obsolete, but also it could interfere with tools that retrieve that data automated and are then confused by having multiple counts at the same time.)
- has semantic role (item that describes a role in an event class)
- model for (2) (what the subject is a conceptual or scientific model/theory for)
- Dynasty (A dynasty is a sequence of rulers from the same family, usually in the context of a monarchy or imperial system but sometimes also appearing in republics. A dynasty can be used to describe the time period in which a person lived, an event happened, a work was created, or a place existed.)
- showrunner (person who is responsible for the day-to-day operation of a television show)
- antonomasia (epithet or phrase that takes the place of a proper name)
- screen size (Size of a display screen as measured along the diagonal)
- External identifiers: NLR editions, glubinka.by, Cerist journal ID, Soldatregisteret ID, Quranic Arabic Corpus topic ID, Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World: Digital Collection ID, The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature ID, The Oxford Companion to World Mythology ID, promodj album ID, The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World ID, The Oxford Companion to the Mind ID, person ID in MNAHA, vehicle keeper marking / VKM, JJM Habitation id, Justapedia, PNG School Code, Green's Dictionary of Slang (Oxford Reference) ID, Locomotive Yaroslavl HC player id, Chinese Basketball Association ID, WHO Country Database ID, Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number (LLPIN) in India, A Dictionary of Zoology ID, SALDO sense ID, Flown From The Nest person id, Online Swahili - English Dictionary ID, Téarma ID, IMAIOS entity ID, Dictionary of Contemporary Icelandic ID, A Dictionary of Plant Sciences ID, Seret film ID, Pocket Oxford American Thesaurus ID, Oxford Paperback Thesaurus ID, Orthoptera Species File taxon ID, CAMRA Experience pub ID, Pocket Oxford Spanish Dictionary: English-Spanish ID, Paleobiology Database ID for this journal article, Naturalis Repository ID, Te Aka Māori Dictionary ID, He Pātaka Kupu ID, Oqaasersiorfik ID, Greenlandic-English Dictionary ID, poblesdecatalunya.cat identifier, 广播电视播出机构许可证编号, Vikidia ID, This Is Basketball player ID
- General datatypes:
- Deleted properties:
You can comment on all open property proposals! </translate> <translate> Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Mountains with a height over 7000m - display on a map. Adjust the P:elevation above sea level to widen or narrow the search.
- Find Items that share an Identifier - this query has identified a possible duplicate by matching P5696 - Indian Railways Station Code.
- Who has worked with this Celebrity? - this query looks for co-stars, colleagues and co-actors of Seth Rogen. Adjust this value for other celebrities or professionals.
- Schema examples: Tamkang University location - building and location entities associated with Tamkang University, Taiwan.
- Newest WikiProjects: Timna Valley - a community project on the Timna Valley archaelogical site.
- Newest database reports: Gadget usage statistics - find out which gadgets are used the most and perhaps find something new.
- Showcase Items: Ferdinand Magellan - 15th Century Portugese explorer who led the first expedition to circumnavigate the Globe (despite his death in the Philippines).
- Showcase Lexemes: Be - The english copular verb that helps express all of existence.
</translate> <translate> Development
- EntitySchemas: The new EntitySchema data type is ready for testing on Test Wikidata
- Wikibase REST API:
- We finished the route for modifying the data of an Item (phab:T342993)
- We finished the route for modifying the data of a Property (phab:T347394)
- We continued working on the route for creating an Item (phab:T342990)
- We fixed an issue where IDs were shown for badges and after editing a statement. The fix will be rolled out this week. (phab:T366236)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer. </translate> <translate> Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Participate in this week's Lexeme challenge: Gambling
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
cont MSClaudiu si MSCL-BOT spart
modificareSalut. Cineva a schimbat parola si adresa de email a contului meu ma poti ajuta sa il recuperez. Someone, probably you, from IP address,
has changed the email address of the account "MSClaudiu" to "ddkao@mail.ru" on Wikipedia.
If this was not you, contact a site administrator immediately.
MSClaudiu2 (discuție) 3 iunie 2024 19:39 (EEST)
- @MSClaudiu2 nope. Fără acces la email, parola nu mai poate fi recuperată. Voi bloca conturile pentru a nu putea fi folosite. Strainu (دسستي) 3 iunie 2024 20:21 (EEST)
- Per m:Help:Compromised_accounts, trebuie să trimiteți un email la adresa de acolo dacă vreți să încercați recuperarea contului. Strainu (دسستي) 3 iunie 2024 20:25 (EEST)
- Salut. Am trimis mesaj aici si dupa email la adresa respectiva. Eu am acces la email inca. Am trimis si captura de ecran cu schimbarea respectiva sper sa il primesc inapoi. Va rog daca puteti sa deblocati adresa de email a contului MSClaudiu pentru ca nu pot folosi contul acesta (MSClaudiu2) pentru a trimite mesaje. Multumesc.--MSClaudiu2 (discuție) 3 iunie 2024 20:30 (EEST)
- @MSClaudiu2: Pe viitor: m:2FA. --NGC 54 (discuție|contribuții) 3 iunie 2024 20:45 (EEST)
- @NGC 54Acum am vazut chestia asta cu doi factori la Wikipedia. Au primit mesajul cei de la Fundatia Wikimedia. Astept să se rezolve--MSClaudiu2 (discuție) 3 iunie 2024 21:29 (EEST)
- Nu putem debloca trimiterea de mailuri, adresa asociată contului e cea de la mail.ru, nu a dvs. Strainu (دسستي) 4 iunie 2024 10:38 (EEST)
- Încă nu am primit contul. Am trimis email Fundației de pe emailul care era asociat contului. Când incerc sa ma conectez de pe Ip-ul respectiv primesc un mesaj ca IP-ul e asociat contului MSClaudiu. Vezi aici: „Nu puteți modifica paginile de la Wikipedia pentru că adresa IP pe care o folosiți a fost blocată automat, simultan cu blocarea unui utilizator înregistrat.
- @MSClaudiu2: Pe viitor: m:2FA. --NGC 54 (discuție|contribuții) 3 iunie 2024 20:45 (EEST)
- Salut. Am trimis mesaj aici si dupa email la adresa respectiva. Eu am acces la email inca. Am trimis si captura de ecran cu schimbarea respectiva sper sa il primesc inapoi. Va rog daca puteti sa deblocati adresa de email a contului MSClaudiu pentru ca nu pot folosi contul acesta (MSClaudiu2) pentru a trimite mesaje. Multumesc.--MSClaudiu2 (discuție) 3 iunie 2024 20:30 (EEST)
- Per m:Help:Compromised_accounts, trebuie să trimiteți un email la adresa de acolo dacă vreți să încercați recuperarea contului. Strainu (دسستي) 3 iunie 2024 20:25 (EEST)
Atenție, această adresă IP nu a fost blocată manual. Utilizatorul înregistrat a fost blocat de către administratorul Kun Kipcsak pentru următorul motiv:
Autoblocat fiindcă folosiți aceeași adresă IP ca și „MSClaudiu”. Motivul blocării utilizatorului MSClaudiu este: „Cont compromis.” Blocarea expiră pe: 4 iunie 2024 19:06.
Dacă motivul blocării se referă la fapte ale altcuiva, probabil folosiți o adresă IP dinamică. Puteți contacta unul dintre administratori pentru a remedia situația, prin adăugarea formatului {{Deblocare|Motivul pentru deblocare}} în pagina dumneavoastră de discuții.
Detalii despre această blocare automată:
Adresa IP: Administrator: Kun Kipcsak Identificatorul blocării automate: 28619 Motivul blocării inițiale: Autoblocat fiindcă folosiți aceeași adresă IP ca și „MSClaudiu”. Motivul blocării utilizatorului MSClaudiu este: „Cont compromis.”” --MSClaudiu2 (discuție) 4 iunie 2024 11:33 (EEST)
- Am scos autoblocarea. Nu trebuie să vă așteptați ca recuperarea să fie un proces rapid. Probabil va dura săptămâni sau luni. Strainu (دسستي) 4 iunie 2024 12:13 (EEST)
- Mulțumesc. Primesc un email sau ceva similar cand o să fie deblocat?--MSClaudiu2 (discuție) 4 iunie 2024 15:35 (EEST)
- Salut. Am primit conturile înapoi. Poți să le deblochezi. Mulțumesc pentru ajutor.--MSClaudiu2 (discuție) 5 iunie 2024 16:47 (EEST)
- Rezolvat Strainu (دسستي) 5 iunie 2024 16:58 (EEST)
- Salut. Am primit conturile înapoi. Poți să le deblochezi. Mulțumesc pentru ajutor.--MSClaudiu2 (discuție) 5 iunie 2024 16:47 (EEST)
- Mulțumesc. Primesc un email sau ceva similar cand o să fie deblocat?--MSClaudiu2 (discuție) 4 iunie 2024 15:35 (EEST)
modificarepupat toți piața endependenți. stop. --Pafsanias (discuție) 5 iunie 2024 14:00 (EEST)
- Abordăm ca președintele. Strainu (دسستي) 5 iunie 2024 16:13 (EEST)
Cereri de deblocare
modificareUtilizatorul Claudiu C-tin a cerut deblocarea.
Notă: Ați primit acest mesaj automat deoarece sunteți înscris(ă) pe lista de la pagina Utilizator:Andrebot/Abonați newsletter sysop. Pentru a vă dezabona, ștergeți-vă numele din acea listă.Puteți șterge acest mesaj după rezolvarea cererilor. Dacă o faceți înainte de rezolvarea cererilor, veți primi notificarea din nou până când cererea va fi rezolvată. –Andrebot (discuție) 5 iunie 2024 16:40 (EEST)
Întrebare de la John the man the plan on the train track (7 iunie 2024 09:38)
modificarePuteți să îmi judecați ajustările făcute la articolul Zinaida Julea? (sunt toate numai cu referire la legături, și ajustări pentru a regla tonul în mod potrivit.)
http://ro.m.wiki.x.io/w/index.php?title=Zinaida_Julea&gesuggestededit=1# (dacă Dumneavoa --John the man the plan on the train track (discuție) 7 iunie 2024 09:38 (EEST)
- @John the man the plan on the train track în general e OK, cu câteva observații:
- evitati judecățile de valoare ("îndrăgita cântăreață")
- nu corectați diacritice de dragul corecturii (aici era OK, erau deja amestecate)
- adăugați surse pentru afirmațiile adăugate.
- Strainu (دسستي) 7 iunie 2024 15:33 (EEST)
Cereri de deblocare
modificareUtilizatorul Ali Mentar a cerut deblocarea.
Notă: Ați primit acest mesaj automat deoarece sunteți înscris(ă) pe lista de la pagina Utilizator:Andrebot/Abonați newsletter sysop. Pentru a vă dezabona, ștergeți-vă numele din acea listă.Puteți șterge acest mesaj după rezolvarea cererilor. Dacă o faceți înainte de rezolvarea cererilor, veți primi notificarea din nou până când cererea va fi rezolvată. –Andrebot (discuție) 8 iunie 2024 23:40 (EEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #631
modificareThis is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-06-10. Please help Translate.
- Open request for adminship: Kadı - RfP scheduled to end after 14 June 2024 17:51 (UTC)
- Closed request for adminship: The Squirrel Conspiracy - Closed as successful. Welcome back Squirrel!
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- MDanielsBot 2 Task(s) - Replace translations of descriptions and labels.
- TapuriaBot Task(s) - interwiki
- Skybristol bot Task(s) - Flesh out mapping of DOI provider orgs to WD orgs, syncing DOI prefix values.
- EpidòseosBot Task(s) - improve incomplete references to GND for sex / gender; add new references containing GND ID for sex / gender when the property has no references containing stated in.
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call June 11, 2024: We have our next LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Call on Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 at 9am PT / 12pm ET / 17:00 UTC / 6pm CET (Time zone converter). Please join us for a community discussion on SMALL GLAM SLAM Pilot 1 with Ismael Olea. Link to agenda.
- Celtic Knot Wikimedia Conference, September 25-27, 2024 in Waterford City, Ireland. This conference usually hosts Wikidata-related sessions. You can now propose your contributions to the program until July 14th, and apply for a scholarship until June 30th (full announcement and links)
- WikiIndaba conference 2024, 4 - 6 October 2024 in Johannesburg, South Africa. This conference typically hosts Wikidata-related sessions. Program submissions 05 - 30 June 2024.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- 100,000 video games on Wikidata - Wikidata’s WikiProject Video games has just passed a major milestone: 100,000 video game (Q7889) items on Wikidata.
- Videos
- (es) How to strengthen the public domain with Wikidata? - This is a Spanish-speaking Wikitools workshop exploring Paulina (see: Tool of the Week), a search interface powered by Wikidata for finding and exploring author's and whether their works are in the public domain.
- Notebooks
- Radio France meets Wikidata 😘: Extracting IDs from radio France and matching them with Wikidata using P10780 property
- Wikidata's analytics for Radio France's podcasts
Tool of the week
- Paulina: Data for the Public Domain - Explore the cultural heritage of humanity. Search Paulina by author and discover if they have freely accessible works in the Public Domain.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Propose to transform an existing CSS or Javascript script (i.e. scripts that you can enable in your common.css and common.js pages) into a gadget: Wikidata:Tools/Potential gadgets
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- showrunner (person who is responsible for the day-to-day operation of a television show)
- Newest External identifiers: Locomotive Yaroslavl HC player ID, Orthoptera Species File taxon ID (new), Flown From the Nest person ID, Online Swahili - English Dictionary ID, A Dictionary of Plant Sciences ID, A Dictionary of Zoology ID, A Dictionary of Contemporary Icelandic ID, Seret film ID, Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number, Paleobiology database reference ID, PNG School Code, Téarma ID, IMAIOS entity ID, Naturalis Repository ID, Pocket Oxford Spanish Dictionary: English-Spanish ID, Vikidia ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- Music mood (qualifier carrying an emotion (mood) relevant to an audio recording (musical or not))
- ecosystem type (type of ecosystem that the item represents)
- Burgenwelt (Burgenwelt; castles)
- construction time ({{Construction time refers to the time which was needed to build a certain building, which sometimes took more than one year, especially in former times | de = <!-- Die Bauzeit bezieht sich auf die Zeit, die benötigt wurde, um ein Gebäude zu errichten, was manchmal länger, gerade früher, als ein Jahr brauchte --> <!-- | xx = Beschreibungen in anderen Sprachen --> }})
- Nom dans la langue locale ()
- YAMAP mountain ID (YAMAP mountain ID)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary: English-French ID, Pocket Oxford Irish Dictionary: English-Irish ID, Fowler’s Concise Dictionary of Modern English Usage ID, MODI ID, código del Inventario del Patrimonio Cultural de Castilla-La Mancha, AllGame style ID, MoFo ID, DAKA Greenlandic-Danish Dictionary ID, DAKA Danish-Greenlandic Dictionary ID, Farhang-i farsī ba rusī ID, FC Metz player id, Pocket Oxford Spanish Dictionary: Spanish-English ID, itch.io numeric ID, produsent-ID hos Nasjonalmuseet, Phasmida Species File taxon ID, Psocodea Species File taxon ID, Cockroach Species File taxon ID, Lygaeoidea Species File taxon ID, filmas.lv film ID, filmas.lv studio ID, filmas.lv person ID, Cineuropa international sales agent ID, Cineuropa production company ID, Cineuropa distributor ID, Biodiversity Information System for Europe ID, Tommaseo-Bellini Online ID, Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini ID, Elonet company ID, Pocket Oxford Irish Dictionary: Irish-English ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:
- Honoris Causa France - aims to coordinate the actions carried out in terms of reporting the attributions of honorary doctorate (Q11415564) by French universities.
- HolyWells - aims to organize Items around Holy Wells.
- OghamStones - aims to organise Items around Ogham Stones
- Western Michigan University Libraries - used to gather Wikidata work being done at Western Michigan University Libraries.
- Visibilizando el dominio público colombiano - to help the unique, permanent and visible identification, worldwide, of Colombian authors in the public domain, within the framework of Colombian legislation.
- Newest database reports: Connectivity between Wikimedia projects
- Showcase Items: Pomona College (Q7227384) - private liberal arts college in Claremont, California, United States
- Showcase Lexemes: bustadmarknad (L1122204) - "housing market" in Nynorsk
- The UnpatrolledEdits gadget now shows a notice when there are older and multiple unpatrolled edits, previously it only showed the notice when the most recent edit was unpatrolled. Please help translate the messages here.
- Query Service: We are fixing a bug where no examples are shown in the example dialog (phab:T366871)
- EntitySchemas: We have enabled the new datatype for testing on test.wikidata.org and are preparing the rollout to Wikidata (phab:T365686)
- Item UI: We fixed an issue where labels were not shown for badges or after making an edit (phab:T366236)
- Wikibase REST API: We have continued the work on the route for modifying the data of an Item (phab:T342993)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Participate in this week's Lexeme challenge:
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Tech News: 2024-24
modificareLatest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The software used to render SVG files has been updated to a new version, fixing many longstanding bugs in SVG rendering. [9]
- The HTML used to render all headings is being changed to improve accessibility. It was changed last week in some skins (Vector legacy and Minerva). Please test gadgets on your wiki on these skins and report any related problems so that they can be resolved before this change is made in Vector-2022. The developers are still considering the introduction of a Gadget API for adding buttons to section titles if that would be helpful to tool creators, and would appreciate any input you have on that.
- The HTML markup used for citations by Parsoid changed last week. In places where Parsoid previously added the
class, Parsoid now also adds thereference-text
class for better compatibility with the legacy parser. More details are available. [10]
- There was a bug with the Content Translation interface that caused the tools menus to appear in the wrong location. This has now been fixed. [11]
Changes later this week
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 11 June. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 12 June. It will be on all wikis from 13 June (calendar). [12][13]
- The new version of MediaWiki includes another change to the HTML markup used for citations: Parsoid will now generate a
<span class="mw-cite-backlink">
wrapper for both named and unnamed references for better compatibility with the legacy parser. Interface administrators should verify that gadgets that interact with citations are compatible with the new markup. More details are available. [14] - On multilingual wikis that use the
system, there is a feature that shows potentially-outdated translations with a pink background until they are updated or confirmed. From this week, confirming translations will be logged, and there is a new user-right that can be required for confirming translations if the community requests it. [15]
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Eroare in PatrocleBot
modificareHTTPSConnectionPool(host='api.wikimedia.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /service/lw/inference/v1/models/revertrisk-multilingual:predict (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7fadf1c524f0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution'))--PatrocleBot (discuție) 12 iunie 2024 19:31 (EEST)
Eroare in PatrocleBot
modificareHTTPSConnectionPool(host='api.wikimedia.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /service/lw/inference/v1/models/revertrisk-multilingual:predict (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7fadf1c52d30>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution'))--PatrocleBot (discuție) 12 iunie 2024 19:32 (EEST)
modificareBună ziua. S-ar putea face ceva ca formate de tipul Format:Prim-miniștrii Suediei să împingă categoriile, în cazul persoanelor, după Nașteri și Decese și nu înainte așa cum este acum? Donarius (discuție) 16 iunie 2024 15:56 (EEST)
- P.S. Ca să fiu mai clar. Formatul respectiv introduce în articole categoria Prim-miniștri ai Suediei, dar o introduce înainte de Nașteri și Decese și nu după, așa cum ar fi normal. Această problemă apare în cazul tuturor formatelor. În unele cazuri chiar nu contează, dar la persoane regula este ca Nașterile și Decesele să preceadă restul categoriilor: Wikipedia:Articole_biografice#Categorisire. --Donarius (discuție) 16 iunie 2024 16:02 (EEST)
- Categoriile apar în ordinea în care sunt în wikitext după expandarea formatelor. Singura variantă care garantează că nașterile vor apărea primele e să le puneți la începutul articolului. Din câte văd {{dbio}} adaugă categoriile doar când data e necunoscută; țin minte că a fost o discuție la un moment dat să le introducă pe toate, dar nu mai știu cum s-a încheiat. Strainu (دسستي) 16 iunie 2024 22:03 (EEST)
- Mai sunt câteva posibilități, dar nu le mai enumăr pentru ca au și dezavantaje. În acest caz, cea mai sigură cale este renunțarea la adăugarea automată a categoriilor cu ajutorul formatului, astfel că cer anularea acestei modificări. --GEO (discuție) 16 iunie 2024 23:10 (EEST)
- Am anulat acea modificare, dar s-a rezolvat doar o problemă punctuală. Rămân destule formate care au același efect. Donarius (discuție) 16 iunie 2024 23:47 (EEST)
- Mai sunt câteva posibilități, dar nu le mai enumăr pentru ca au și dezavantaje. În acest caz, cea mai sigură cale este renunțarea la adăugarea automată a categoriilor cu ajutorul formatului, astfel că cer anularea acestei modificări. --GEO (discuție) 16 iunie 2024 23:10 (EEST)
- Categoriile apar în ordinea în care sunt în wikitext după expandarea formatelor. Singura variantă care garantează că nașterile vor apărea primele e să le puneți la începutul articolului. Din câte văd {{dbio}} adaugă categoriile doar când data e necunoscută; țin minte că a fost o discuție la un moment dat să le introducă pe toate, dar nu mai știu cum s-a încheiat. Strainu (دسستي) 16 iunie 2024 22:03 (EEST)
Weekly Summary #632
modificareThis is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-06-17.
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Mdann52 bot - Task(s): Updating callsign, frequency and FCC ID of US Radio Station items from FCC database.
- M2Ys4U-Bot - Task(s): Import data about candidates standing for election in the 2024 United Kingdom general election.
- Looking ahead
- Lexico Days 2024 is coming up. June 28 - 30, there will be a packed programme of presentations, discussions and workshops on Lexicographical data. This is an online event.
- Wikidata Workshop for Botanists at the XX Intl. Botanical Congress, July 21 - 27, 2024, Madrid, Spain.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Diff Blog: Why Wikimedia (and Wikidata) is an antidote to disinformation - Wiki Movimento Brasil discuss how Wikidata has equipped researchers, activists and the public the ability to safeguard truths about human rights abuses during the civic-military Brazilian dictatorship between 1964 - 1985.
- Making location based timelines with Wikipedia, Wikidata and mojeek - Tara Calishain of Calishat blog.
- (de) 20 Years of WMDE - scroll down the timeline and see what Wikimedia Deutschland has done in its 20 years of existence!
- Papers
- Linking Named Entities in Diderot's Encyclopédie to Wikidata - This paper describes the annotation of more than 10,300 of the Encyclopédie entries with Wikidata identifiers enabling them to be connect to the graph of structured data. By Piere Nugues.
- Towards a linking between WordNet and Wikidata - The authors propose linking the 2 described reosurces through hapax legomenon and natural language processing techniques to create new connections and uses. By J. McCrae & D. Cillessen.
- Videos
- WikiWednesday Webinar – Increasing Education & Outreach through Wikidata & the Wiki-Commons - Victoria Stasiuk and Navino Evans of the Digital Literacy for GLAM show how museums and galleries have opened up their collections through Wikidata and Commons and increase education, outreach and volunteer engagement strategies.
- What is Wikidata? How to use Wikidata? - Asaf Bartov hosts this informative session on Wikidata at the Wikimania Singapore 2023. If you're attending Wikimania 2024, this session will prepare you for other Wikidata-related sessions.
- Creating a Lexeme Database from Scratch - The runup to Wikimania Katowice has begun. Refresh yourself for upcoming sessions with this Wikidata basics workshop hosted by Leon Liesener.
Tool of the week
- Gestapo.Terror.Places (in Lower Saxony 1933-1945) - This app displays on a map of lower Saxony areas of interest or significance of the terror-related crimes of the Gestapo during WWII.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- A new Wikidata Query Service scaling update has been published. It outlines the final set of rules for the WDQS graph split.
- Programming Languages ranked by Sitelinks in Wikidata
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- showrunner (person who is responsible for the day-to-day operation of a television show)
- External identifiers:Locomotive Yaroslavl HC player ID, Orthoptera Species File taxon ID (new), Flown From the Nest person ID, Online Swahili - English Dictionary ID, A Dictionary of Plant Sciences ID, A Dictionary of Zoology ID, A Dictionary of Contemporary Icelandic ID, Seret film ID, Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number, Paleobiology database reference ID, PNG School Code, Téarma ID, IMAIOS entity ID, Naturalis Repository ID, English-Spanish Dictionary ID, Vikidia ID, thisisbasketball.be player ID, poblesdecatalunya.cat ID, Oqaasersiorfik ID, MNAHA person ID, Greenlandic-English Dictionary ID, Te Aka Māori Dictionary ID, Tropicos person ID, He Pātaka Kupu ID, vehicle keeper marking (VKM), AllGame style ID, FC Metz player ID, MoFo ID, itch.io numeric ID, filmas.lv film ID, filmas.lv person ID, filmas.lv studio ID, Cockroach Species File taxon ID (new), Lygaeoidea Species File taxon ID (new), Phasmida Species File taxon ID (new), Psocodea Species File taxon ID (new), Spanish-English Dictionary ID, Norwegian National Museum producer ID, Burgenwelt ID, Pocket Oxford Irish Dictionary: Irish-English ID, Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini ID, Tommaseo-Bellini Online ID, danskfodbold.com player ID
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- Music mood (qualifier carrying an emotion (mood) relevant to an audio recording (musical or not))
- ecosystem type (type of ecosystem that the item represents)
- construction time (Construction time refers to the time which was needed to build a certain building, which sometimes took more than one year, especially in former times)
- Nom dans la langue locale ()
- YAMAP mountain ID (YAMAP mountain ID)
- coin edge (Coin edges may be plain (smooth) or patterned, or a combination of both. They can also include lettering.)
- ozone depletion potential (relative amount of degradation to the ozone layer relative to CFC-11)
- External identifiers: Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary: English-French ID, Pocket Oxford Irish Dictionary: English-Irish ID, Fowler’s Concise Dictionary of Modern English Usage ID, MODI ID, código del Inventario del Patrimonio Cultural de Castilla-La Mancha, DAKA Greenlandic-Danish Dictionary ID, DAKA Danish-Greenlandic Dictionary ID, Farhang-i farsī ba rusī ID, Cineuropa international sales agent ID, Cineuropa production company ID, Cineuropa distributor ID, Biodiversity Information System for Europe ID, Elonet company ID, Numista issuer ID, Douban Personage ID, Canadian Great War Project person ID, stiga.trefik.cz, PMC journal ID, European Education Thesaurus ID, Brezhoneg21 ID, Personnel Records of the First World War (Library and Archives Canada) ID, Canadian Virtual War Memorial ID, Federal Reserve Subject Taxonomy ID
- General datatypes:
- Deleted properties:
You can comment on all open property proposals! Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:
- Assoc. Football - Euro 2024 - for best practices on UEFA Euro 2024 items.
- Bulgarian Elections - for describing data related to elections in Bulgaria.
- ARS3D - statements and properties for an African Red Slip ware 3D artifact data model.
- WikiProject Highlights:
- (de)Theorie und Praxis in Wikidata - User:Matthiasb uses examples of Highway intersection classification on Wikidata of locations in and around Berlin to highlight inconsistencies between the data model and legal classification. By highlighting a considerable number of differences in a relatively small geographic area, these comments provide further context on an earlier discussion within the German Wikipedia community on integrating Wikidata further into Wikipedia articles.
- Newest database reports: Badge Stats - How are badges being applied in Wikidata, which items have the most Good or Featured Articles? Savvy editors can use this to enrich said articles in their own Wiki.
- Showcase Items: Mordor - A desolate volcanic plain of nauseous gases and shadows. J.R.R Tolkien's blighted land is this week's showcase.
- Showcase Lexemes: вода - A Russian word for a clear, vitality-giving liquid, of course it's Water.
- EntitySchemas: We are preparing for the rollout of the new datatype to link to EntitySchemas in statements.
- Wikibase REST API:
- We are continuing the work on the route for modifying an Item (phab:T342993)
- We are working on improving errors and error messages in the API
- Query Service UI: We fixed a bug. The example dialog was empty and not showing any examples (phab:T366871)
- We changed the datatype of two Properties to external ID as requested (phab:T367174)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Participate in this week's Lexeme challenge: Gambling
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Anything to add? Please share! :)