DescriereTimișoara students' demands, October 30, 1956.png
English: Demands listed by striking students of the various Timișoara colleges, before their movement was quashed by Romanian communist authorities. These are: "1) Russian as a foreign language to be terminated or made optional 2) Open session [for each course] 3) Marxism and Political Economy to be made compulsory for [only] two years, and possibly moved to secondary schools 4) Physical Education to be made optional 5) Peasant students should receive scholarships regardless of their material wealth 6) Freedom of the press and free speech 7) A reduction of cafeteria prices to 150 lei 8) If no answer is sent for the next 3 days, down to Saturday, we shall refrain from attending classes on Monday and subsequent days."
Cristina Tudor, "Mișcarea studențească din Timișoara – 30 octombrie 1956. Partea a III-a", research paper of the Timișoara Revolution Memorial (see archived copy)
Collective of students; handwriting by Teodor Stanca
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