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This cartoon shows how magnetic waves, called Alfven S-waves, propagate outward from the base of black hole jets. The jet is a flow of charged particles, called a plasma, which is launched by a black hole. The jet has a helical magnetic field (yellow coil) permeating the plasma. The waves then travel along the jet, in the direction of the plasma flow, but at a velocity determined by both the jet's magnetic properties and the plasma flow speed. The BL Lac jet examined in a new study is several light-years long, and the wave speed is about 98 percent the speed of light.
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Site-ul NASA deţine un număr mare de poze din Programul spaţial sovietic şi alte agenţii spaţiale non-americane. Acestea pot să nu aparţină domeniului public.
Materialele luate de Telescopul spaţial Hubble pot avea drepturi de autor diferite dacă nu vin explicit de la Institutul Ştiinţific al Telescopului Spaţial (STScl). Detalii.
Toate materialele create de sonda SOHO se află sub incidenţa drepturilor de autor şi necesită permisiune pentru folosirea comercială non-educaţională. Detalii.
Imaginile ce au fost publicate pe site-ul Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) pot fi restricţionate de drepturile de autor. Detalii.
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