English: Coat of arms of the Hungarian village Gagyapáti.
Magyar: Gagyapáti község címere álló, vörös színű, hegyes talpú pajzs. A pajzsot egy ezüstszínű hullámpólya szeli ketté.
A pólya alatt ezüstlevél lebeg.
A pólya felett egy ezüstszínű, gombosvégű kettős kereszt látható.
A pajzs felett egy piros, fehér, zöld színű tekercsen egy aranyszínű jobbra néző, kitárt szárnyú madár áll, csőrében aranygyűrű, jobb szárnyán aranykorona nyugszik. A pajzstartó egy-egy tölgyfaág makkokkal, aminek szárai alul keresztezik egymást. Ezt öleli körbe egy ezüstszínű, fecskefarok-végződésű szalag, amelyen a község GAGYAPÁTI neve olvasható.
This file depicts the official coat of arms or flag of a Hungarian municipality. According to 1.§ (4) of the Hungarian copyright law (1999./LXXVI.), copyright protection does not cover "legal provisions, other means of state direction, court and other official resolutions, announcements and documents issued by an authority or other official organ, as well as standards made obligatory by law and other similar regulations." Official coat of arms and flags, being defined in such a regulation, are thus in the public domain in Hungary, and also in the US, according to § 313.6(C)(2)Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, 3rd ed. 2014 (Compendium (Third)): "As a matter of longstanding public policy, the U.S. Copyright Office will not register a government edict that has been issued by any state, local, or territorial government, including legislative enactments, judicial decisions, administrative rulings, public ordinances, or similar types of official legal materials. Likewise, the Office will not register a government edict issued by any foreign government or any translation prepared by a government employee acting within the course of his or her official duties."
Note: The usage of coats of arms and flags is governed by legal restrictions, independent of the copyright status of the depiction shown here.
Acest fișier conține informații suplimentare, introduse probabil de aparatul fotografic digital sau scannerul care l-a generat. Dacă fișierul a fost modificat între timp, este posibil ca unele detalii să nu mai fie valabile.