English: Approximately natural-color view of Dione taken by Cassini on June 7, 2005. Narrow-angle red and blue frames were combined to produce the composite. The distance at the time was about 237 000 km, the phase angle was 39°. Cassini was below the ring plane, so the view principally shows Dione's south pole. Note the huge, degraded impact basin at 5 o'clock position, near Dione's south pole. North is at the 12 o'clock position, but it's on the far side, so not visible here. Wispy terrain on the trailing hemisphere is visible at upper left.
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NASA / JPL / SSI / Gordan Ugarkovic
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Approximately natural color view of Dione taken by Cassini on June 7, 2005. Narrow-angle red and blue frames were combined to produce the composite. Distance at the time was about 237 000 km, phase angle was 39 deg. Cassini was at below the ring plane so
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