Otryadyn Gündegmaa
Date personale
Născută (46 de ani) Modificați la Wikidata
Ulaanbaatar, Republica Populară Mongolă Modificați la Wikidata
Cetățenie Mongolia Modificați la Wikidata
Ocupațietrăgătoare de tir[*] Modificați la Wikidata
Sportbullseye shooting[*][[bullseye shooting (shooting sport)|​]]
Tir sportiv  Modificați la Wikidata
Titluri și realizări
Jocuri olimpiceJocurile Asiatice din 1998[*]
Jocurile Asiatice din 2002[*]
Jocurile Asiatice din 2006[*]
Jocurile Asiatice din 2010[*]
shooting at the 2008 Summer Olympics – women's 25 metre pistol[*][[shooting at the 2008 Summer Olympics – women's 25 metre pistol (women's 25 metre pistol events at the Olympics)|​]][1]
shooting at the 1996 Summer Olympics – women's 10 metre air pistol[*][[shooting at the 1996 Summer Olympics – women's 10 metre air pistol (Sports shooting at the Olympics)|​]][1]
shooting at the 1996 Summer Olympics – women's 25 metre pistol[*][[shooting at the 1996 Summer Olympics – women's 25 metre pistol (sports shooting at the Olympics)|​]][1]
shooting at the 2000 Summer Olympics – women's 10 metre air pistol[*][[shooting at the 2000 Summer Olympics – women's 10 metre air pistol (Sports shooting at the Olympics)|​]][1]
shooting at the 2000 Summer Olympics – women's 25 metre pistol[*][[shooting at the 2000 Summer Olympics – women's 25 metre pistol (Sports shooting at the Olympics)|​]][1]
shooting at the 2004 Summer Olympics – women's 10 metre air pistol[*][[shooting at the 2004 Summer Olympics – women's 10 metre air pistol (women's 10 metre air pistol events at the Olympics)|​]][1]
shooting at the 2004 Summer Olympics – women's 25 metre pistol[*][[shooting at the 2004 Summer Olympics – women's 25 metre pistol (women's 25 metre pistol events at the Olympics)|​]][1]
shooting at the 2008 Summer Olympics – women's 10 metre air pistol[*][[shooting at the 2008 Summer Olympics – women's 10 metre air pistol (women's 10 metre air pistol events at the Olympics)|​]][1]
shooting at the 2012 Summer Olympics – women's 10 metre air pistol[*][[shooting at the 2012 Summer Olympics – women's 10 metre air pistol (women's 10 metre air pistol events at the Olympics)|​]][1]
shooting at the 2012 Summer Olympics – women's 25 metre pistol[*][[shooting at the 2012 Summer Olympics – women's 25 metre pistol (women's 25 metre pistol events at the Olympics)|​]][1]
Tiro nos Jogos Olímpicos de Verão de 2016 - Pistola de ar 10 m feminino[*][[Tiro nos Jogos Olímpicos de Verão de 2016 - Pistola de ar 10 m feminino (women's 10 metre air pistol events at the Olympics)|​]][1]
Tiro nos Jogos Olímpicos de Verão de 2016 - Pistola 25 m feminino[*][[Tiro nos Jogos Olímpicos de Verão de 2016 - Pistola 25 m feminino (women's 25 metre pistol events at the Olympics)|​]][1]
Tir la Jocurile Olimpice de vară din 2020 - pistol cu aer comprimat 10m (feminin)[1]
Tir la Jocurile Olimpice de vară din 2020 - pistol 25m (feminin)[1]  Modificați la Wikidata
Prezență online

Otryadyn Gündegmaa (n. , Ulaanbaatar, Republica Populară Mongolă) este o trăgătoare de tir ce a reprezentat Mongolia, medaliată olimpică. A participat la 7 ediții ale Jocurilor Olimpice (1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020) în care a câștigat o medalie de argint.



Lista de mai jos prezintă principalele competiții la care a participat Otryadyn Gündegmaa de-a lungul carierei.

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab Otryadyn Gündegmaa (în engleză), Olympedia, accesat în  
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